Welcome to our Memorials pages, where all our beloved furbabies can be remembered with love.
These beautiful souls are all dogs which have lived as Sanctuary Dogs with K9 Crusaders. Many have been neglected, abused or mismanaged to an extent where they needed the security and stability that the kennels provide. They are all our K9 Family and have a very special place in our hearts.

Date: November 20, 2024
Some don’t make it home….
Sometimes you meet a dog with that little bit extra. Vinnie was such a dog.
A welfare case who came to us just over 3 months ago, Vinnie’s body bore testimony to a life of callous neglect, and who knows what else? And yet….and yet…he was the kindest, the most sweet natured, loving dog you could ever wish to meet. A gentle soul who demonstrated so much appreciation of kindness, care, a gentle touch, love and affection.
He never tired of getting regular meals, his delight and gratitude were palpable. You couldn’t help but be happy when you were around Vinnie. His lovely smile and enthusiasm for life lit up any space he was in. Not surprisingly he quickly became a huge favourite. He certainly didn’t lack company with such a fan club.
He rehabilitated well, and we had high hopes of him finding a super, happy ever after home, and yet…there was always something not quite right, that you couldn’t put your finger on, the dreaded ‘gut feeling’ that stopped you ticking the box that said ‘all’s good, he’s ready to go’.
He’d always had an odd, stiff gait behind. Hips? Often a problem with his breed. But his hips were good. All we could find was a bit of lower back spondylosis, which was being treated, but he wasn’t improving, he was rapidly getting worse.
Then there was an overgrowth of gum, a mass surrounding a tooth, then another mass on his undercarriage. They’d arrived alarmingly fast, growing in front of our eyes, it seemed. Straight to the vets to have both removed. Our vet was concerned. They looked suspicious. But Vinnie was young, only 3 years old. He would have a future, surely?
He was recovering well from his surgery, but this morning he collapsed. We rushed him to the vets. Coincidentally his results had arrived back this morning. Aggressive Osteosarcoma, spreading rapidly throughout his body. The mass in his mouth had regrown already.
We were in shock at that point. Not only was our handsome, sweet natured, adorable and much adored boy not going to get the future we had so hoped for him, he wasn’t going to have any future. It was game over. Just when things were looking up for him, the curtains were closing.
Surrounded by his favourite people, his besties, having the fusses and cuddles he so loved, and hearing those familiar voices telling him he was a good boy, the very best boy, and how loved he was, he slipped peacefully away.
He has left a huge gap, and taken all our hearts with him.
Rest easy, sweet Vinnie. Whatever your past experiences, we at K9 Crusaders recognised what a very special and precious soul you were, and we loved you so very much. My goodness we loved you. I hope you knew that. No more pain now. Play amongst the stars, Vinnie, until we meet again.